
What is Wibi?

Wibi (Where imagination becomes innovation) is a new software house in the digital market with a focus on innovation.

The company is made up of members prepared to respond to any adaptation that the market undergoes, but we also want to provoke adaptations in digital markets with innovative structures and diversified services or products.

Our first project starts with Dream Book, an application for registering and analyzing dreams,
that will allow us to study and observe
  various topics about our
       dreams and about quality
              of our sleep.


The design of the “Dreambook” application emerged from the identification of a need reported by a group of people interested in lucid dreams. From interactions with these people, a solution was designed with a set of features collaboratively based on what was and what wasn’t in lucid dreaming applications on the market.

At this time, several professionals from the research segment in neurosciences and psychology were involved. They validated the innovative bias of the product, the potential it would have in the market and the difference that its data collection would bring to the understanding of human beings.

The main objective for the “Dreambook” application is to help users to have lucid dreams in a conscious and controlled way and to provide tools and resources so that they can achieve this objective.

Among the main features to be offered by the “Dreambook” application are the recording of dreams, which directly help clients to identify patterns and improve their ability to have lucid dreams, and the generation of educational content and training in techniques to have lucid dreaming.

Sergio Arthuro, a renowned neuroscientist, guarantees DreamBook’s commitment to science and rigorous studies in the field of sleep and lucid dreaming.

With an extensive career and numerous scientific studies to his credit, Sergio Arthuro provides the DreamBook with a reliable and respectable scientific basis.

His presence on our team ensures experience grounded in cutting-edge research and specialized knowledge.


Sergio Arthuro


Sidarta Tollendal Gomes Ribeiro is a neuroscientist, biologist, professor and deputy director of the Brain Institute at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte

Sidarta Ribeiro’s participation is fundamental for Dreambook, which also provides his vast knowledge, bringing more security to our content.


Sidarta Ribeiro


The main objective for the “Dreambook” application is to help users have lucid dreams in a conscious and controlled way and to provide tools and resources so that they can achieve this goal.

Among the main features to be offered by the “Dreambook” application are dream recording, which directly helps users identify patterns, improve their ability to have lucid dreams and the generation of educational content and techniques for having lucid dreams.

The Dreambook will be your personal diary to record your dreams. When you wake up, write down your dreams in full detail so you can understand and control them. Scientific studies show that there are numerous benefits to remembering and recording your dreams, such as processing your emotions, getting to know yourself better, developing creativity, among others.

Get access to countless techniques that will help you sleep better, improve your memory and have lucid dreams.

Enter the magical universe of lucidity and access thousands of dreams in which you will be the author and the spectator.

• Record your dreams: Access your dream diary and write down all the details you remember, insert tags so you can access them more easily when searching.

• Use advanced records: Describe whether your dream was recurring, whether it had a meaning, whether it was synchronized with other dreams, and much more.

• Analyze all your dreams: Through your dream diary you can edit important details, complete some records you haven’t finished and search for important information, filtering your dreams through tags, periods, keywords, etc…

• Protect your dream diary: Lock the app with a password to protect your diary and privacy.

• Have lucid dreams: In Dreambook you will find techniques to control your dreams, among other techniques that will help you memorize them and sleep better.

• Remember to dream: Use and set Dreambook alarms as a reminder so you don’t forget to record your dream when you wake up.

• Use statistics to your advantage: Using statistics you can filter the desired period to check information such as the quality of your sleep, the percentage of lucidity, and the themes of your dreams.

Understand and control your imagination with Dreambook!



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